Friday, February 28, 2020

Learning differences in a given learning environment Essay

Learning differences in a given learning environment - Essay Example Debates exist on whether it is the parental or teacher responsibility to effectively educate all these differences in student learning. Teacher's expectations/stereotypes whether conscious or subconscious may serve to either support all these learning differences in a mutual learning environment or may advantage some to the disadvantage of others. According to the theory of critical pedagogy which attempts to tailor the educational environment according to students' lived experiences, most educators do not consciously attempt to disadvantage students who come with non-dominant cultural, economic, ability differences yet since all of these students are located within a dominant culture they may or may not receive the proper attention required. Due to dominant curriculum content/narratives and norms of thinking which serve to stream non-dominant students into lower learning tracks and socializes them as such, many students fall between the cracks of the educational system and do not ge t their full learning potential realized. According to several critical pedagogical theorists the role of most schools is one in which the values of society with all its inequities are reproduced. Instead of focusing on the Zone of Proximal Development as described by Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1962) and Giroux (1998) teachers simply do not have all the knowledge base resources available nor the financial incentive to pay due attention to these important factors. Although working in the same time frame as Piaget, Vygotsky focused on cultural influences on cognitive stages of development in thinking (Santrock, 2008; Vygotsky, 1962; 1978). For Vygotsky culture specifies what to think, how to think and the means by which individuals think. For this reason, language is considered by him to be an essential element in the learning process since it represents the means by which the adult guides the child through the learning process (Santrock, 2008; Vygotsky, 1962). This illustrates that students who have a second or third language that they are exposed to at home learn differently than those exposed to English only. Since language is the primary means, according to Vygotsky, of intellectual transformation then language has a direct impact on learning. Children use internal speech and imitate their parents' speech so they start teaching themselves through the use of this self-talk. Development according to Vygotsky, means that children gradually become adapted through language to their cultural background and effectively to the learning environment. This theory otherwise known the sociocultural or social cognitive approach illustrates the importance of culture and language in the learning process. Teachers who address language and cultural differences in their teaching by recognizing and effectively including these understandings within learning are being effective educators (Santrock, 2008; Vygotsky, 1962; 1978). Another important factor is the role of socio-economic backgrounds. According to Giroux (1998) schools should do more than simply replicate the stratification existing in society by emphasizing values of competition, individualism, and intellectual consumerism. Instead schools can and should promote a sense of democratic community for teachers and students (Giroux & Schmidt, 2004). This inevitably means

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Why do we do school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Why do we do school - Essay Example Moreover, the increased and reoccurring homework, which follows each student, may increase a student’s hatred towards the school. In many ways, school may be frustrating and annoying having lots of energies going to the attainment of what is considered as good grades. Besides the many negative attributes of school, we still go to school. The main question that is evoked is why do we do school. In my own opinion, school is a vital tool. This is the reason why different parents pressurize their children to go to school and work hard. When a child misses school, he or she would miss out a crucial stage in his life. Therefore, besides the negative effects that are experienced whenever a child goes to school, a school has unquestionably increased benefits, as well. In attempts to gain insight concerning the relevance of a school, this paper explores the reason why we do school. It has been widely known that knowledge is considered as power. A school is a prime basis of knowledge be ing inserted to a child. School provides an opportunity for children to get knowledge on the different education fields, like people history, literature, politics, mathematics, among other fields. In getting this knowledge, an individual is in strong grounds of helping other individuals and society. For instance, I can calculate my taxes speedily and easily with the knowledge that I have gained from mathematics. Having better information, it would be easy for me to attract attention in a gathering through assuming an active pain in the discussion. School would pave a way to disillusionment. In this case, the schools gives me a chance to erase all beliefs that are wrong within my mind. It enables me to come up with a clear picture concerning the things around me thus making me be out of confusion concerning the aspects that I do learn. Therefore, school enhances cultural capital. In this respect, whatever one learns subconsciously, and things that are part of one’s everyday li fe are whatever matter in one’s life. The dominant culture would dominate different decisions of an individual. For example, one would decide his ways of dressing, talking, skills passed on from generation to generation. We go to school because a school is a ladder that for climbing to another level. Unless I finish my school education, I would not be able to secure an enrollment into a post secondary institution such as a university or college. A post secondary institution is normally significant in the attainment of one’s dreams. Having high education, I can get myself a well paying job thus be able to lead a better life. With no academic career, I would have a difficult time in making a living for myself. This is so because, with no career and education I may only be able to get low paying jobs or the black collar jobs that may fail to finance all my basic needs (Nakosteen 32). Apart from this, schools serve as elements of socialization. They enable an individual to socialize. When I attend a school, I will get an opportunity to come across new children of my age. Even as some of them may remain to be my classmates, some of them will certainly get close to me and become friends for a number of years in other instances for a lifetime. If I decide to waste a whole day at home doing nothing, I may fail to meet different people of my age thus leading to a lonely life. Socialization and meeting of other new persons would broaden my knowledge parameter. For one to lead a life considered socially good, it is prudent for such an individual to attend school. In this regard, a school enables a child to develop social constructions. This is a school of thought regarding the manner social phenomena is established, institutionalized, and made into different tradition. It